Friday, 17 October 2014

The latest books that I've read

Since childhood that I have shown a big interest and curiosity for the books and the novels, in effects, I always want that my parents buy books for me, but they always said that it´s very expensive to them. This situation was a very boring for me but I resolved this problem visit the library of my school. However, this library had only a few books, they are only the books that are required to read in the school, so I not have many options for read. But today the situations is very different and now I have access to many books about different topic, this thank a now I live in a big city with many library’s books stores, but today my principal sources to books of literature is the Marlene house, my girlfriend. Some of the latest books that I've read are "Para un Pueblo Fantasma" by Jorge Teillier (my favorite Chilean poet) and the novel “La fiesta Del Chivo” by Mario Vargas Llosa. This latest book I really enjoy it, but it have a lot of pages, so it takes me like a month ends to read it. The history it’s about a dictator named Rafael Trujillo of República Dominicana, his murder and their consequences. I really like this book, because despite that it’s have fiction elements, it have parts of historic elements because it’s an example of the crimes that were committed in times of dictator ship in Latino-america and it’s a form to remember the history of the continent. So I totally recommend it and if you don’t like read, and also you can watch the movie of this interesting book.


  1. Tellier has my heart <3 Have you read Conversación en la catedral by Vargas Llosa? it's so great! :D

  2. I liked the description of "La fiesta del chivo", I think I'll read it (:

  3. I like Mario Vargas Llosa, really he reading fantastic.
